2 March 2018

Q&A: Blog Niches, Dubai and Resolutions!

Seeing as the last Q&A post went down quite well, I'm going to start making them more of a regular thing. Thank you to the three bloggers featured in this post for nominating us for blogger awards! I've already done the tags so won't be repeating them, but I am answering some of the questions that you asked in this post.

Did you know what you were going to blog about right away?

Weirdly, I never ever had a plan about what I was going to write. I've always just written whatever posts I've wanted to. Blog posts are a way for me to share my personality with you and that's all I ever wanted to do from the beginning.

What was your childhood dream job?

A librarian. Being a bookworm, naturally, that was the first career that came to mind. That, and the fact that stamping and scanning books seemed really fun to me...

What is your favourite day of the week?

Saturday. No school on the day. No school the day after.

Do you create several posts ahead of time or wait until the day you post them?

I usually write posts 1-2 weeks before they go up so they can go to Lucy who adds graphics and all the fancy stuff that I'm rubbish at!

Have you found it easy to stick to your New Year's Resolutions?

Ahaha, I've forgotten them. If you want to know what they are, then click here, but to be honest, I'm just pretending they don't exist. I'll try again next year...

What has been your biggest achievement so far?

Either starting this blog or doing NCS (a summer programme). I honestly can't pick one out of the two. 

What is one topic you would like to talk about on your blog, but haven't done so yet? Why?

I've always wanted to write a blog post about how I can hide my feelings... a bit like I'm wearing a mask? No one ever knows if I'm not feeling myself because I can hide it so well (if I want to). It's such a hard topic to explain and write about though so I haven't gotten round to it yet.

What funny memory can you think back on and still laugh about?

My friend and I walked straight into a mirror. I still don't quite understand how it happened, but I have a whole blog post on it so if you want to know more, click here.

What was one of the best days of your life?

There have been so many incredible days, but one day that stands out is from my trip to Dubai with my family. We spent the whole day walking along the beaches of Dubai until we got to the Burj Khalifa.

Who or what inspires you to be a better person?

There's not just one person who inspires me. There are good and bad things about everyone, but the good qualities in people are what inspire me. Different things about different people inspire me.

What is the most ridiculous thing you have ever been tricked into doing or believing?

In Year 8, my ICT teacher told us we had a test, so me and my best friend - being the nerds and rubbish computer users that we are - panicked and stress-revised. Turns out the test was an April Fool's Day prank. We were not amused.

Have you been sticking to your New Year's Resolutions?