...A bit different to my usual post but I love reading and I'm sure some of you do too so why not start a series to do with books?! Be sure to let me know your opinions on these books too!
Girl Online by Zoe Sugg aka Zoella
I mean, how could I not re-read this one... 1) it's an amazing book 2) it's by Zoe... there isn't anything else to say apart from you need to pick up a copy of this if you haven't already got one!
Go set a watchman by Harper Lee
WORST BOOK EVER! Well, for me anyway! I really didn't enjoy this and I don't recommend it at all! I got up to page 60 and then just couldn't bring myself to read anymore. Let me know if you liked this book though because maybe I just haven't given it a chance.
The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying by Marie Kondo
Girl Online - On Tour by Zoe Sugg aka Zoella
Okay this book is just... awesome! I think I prefer this book to the first one although they are both amazing! I will say though that you need to read the first book to understand this one!